Blog Archive

April 9, 2012

hey pokemon, how have you been

Here are some new pokemon drawings, it's been a while since I've posted any pokemon stuff. Expect more in the near future though~

April 6, 2012

April 5, 2012


i dont know why but the last few days I realy felt like drawing a furby. anyways, here it is, puke and all. fun furby facts: they were banned from intelligence agencies because of the belief that they repeated whatever words they heard. also there is apparently a subculture of furby furries according to the wikipedia, somehow im too afraid to google that

March 31, 2012

new style~

post from the something awful draw me/draw you thread that i get reference photos from sometimes! tumblr is in full swing, i have to say the interface is a lot better than blogspot. ANYWAYS TILL NEXT TIME~

March 29, 2012

hey i got a tumblr

i made a tumblr the other day, please check it out and follow me on there as i think i will be putting more of a focus on that as opposed to this blogspot, just because it seems to be a more active community. i will still post on here though!

anyways, trying to be mindful of any little ones who may be coming to this site because of the link in that family magazine but i drew a nsfw naked lady over at my tumblr, check it out!